Monday, January 27, 2014

1037- H.Stab- p.8-6 step 1-2

Horizontal Stabilizer - 1 hr 7 mins (H.S. 40:23, Empennage 92:31, Total 106:27)
Rivet count: 84 (Total 1,054)

I started riveting the H-Stab today by putting together the second spar. If you notice from the page number, these were steps I skipped previously to avoid having to set up the alodine/priming steps a second time. It's the homestretch now, with only riveting left to go for this chapter!

I also had the chance to look ahead at the next chapter: Elevator. All I can say is wow, there is a lot going on at the same time there, and there are a lot of little pieces to keep track of. These chapters are obviously arranged from least to most involved. However, the motivation is high to continue to make steady progress. I have to balance this motivation with my Master's thesis. I'm on the final five weeks of the curriculum, and it is requiring a greater time commitment than I imagined. At least there is a finite time remaining until I won't have to worry about schoolwork any more. Additional balancing act in the form of planning a wedding also takes its toll. Luckily -L is helping out with more than her fair share, so it makes it much easier for me to focus on the other things.

I should also be finding out about a job application in the next few days. I'm really excited about the opportunity, and I'm hoping it works out. A lot of moving pieces all at the same time. Luckily, plane building is the most enjoyable and the most "therapeutic". Time just passes and my mind clears when I spend a short hour working in the garage. Probably more information than anyone cares to know, but I'll really enjoy reading this post in a few months when all the current bustle has passed and I'm dealing with a brand new set of priorities. -M

Friday, January 24, 2014

1036.3- H.Stab- p.8-9 step 9

Horizontal Stabilizer - 2 hrs (H.S. 39:16, Empennage 91:24, Total 105:20)
Rivet count: 0 (Total 970)

From gold to green. Parts are primed and ready to start riveting next week! -M

Thursday, January 23, 2014

1036- H.Stab- p.8-9 step 8

Horizontal Stabilizer - 4 hrs 45 mins (H.S. 37:16, Empennage 89:24, Total 103:20)
Rivet count: 0 (Total 970)

Made it to 100 hours! Started off by spending an hour to finish the machine countersinking of the two spars. Then spent 4 hours prepping the prime. I set up the alumiprep and alodine tanks again, and managed my way through all the H-Stab parts. Note to self: acetone, alumiprep and alodine all are extremely cold liquids and make your fingers numb. Glad that's done. I can see now why so many people start with the process and then give up later in the build. It's tedious, but now I have a beautifully gold-colored H-Stab. Time to make it green with AKZO next. I need to check the process sheet, because it may be too cold for priming tomorrow, and I refuse to do it enclosed in the garage again, after the mess it left last time. -M

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

1035- H.Stab- p.8-9 step 7-8

Horizontal Stabilizer - 1 hr 39 mins (H.S. 32:31, Empennage 84:39, Total 98:35)
Rivet count: 0 (Total 970)

A lazy workday today. Finished up all the dimpling and started up on the countersinking. My hands are bruised and blistered from the 10 hours of work so far this week. No complaints, but a well-needed break today. -M

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

1034- H.Stab- p.8-9 step 7

Horizontal Stabilizer - 3 hrs 37 mins (H.S. 30:52, Empennage 83:00, Total 96:56)
Rivet count: 0 (Total 970)

I sneaked in about 40 minutes this morning before work, hence the outfit change. Simple day today.
Scuff and dimple. I used the squeezer for the ribs and the big dimpler for the skins. Also used the pop rivet dimpler for the skins, which got cut out from the video. I still have all the holes along the edges of the skins that I can reach with the squeezer and will be less cumbersome than with the dimpler. Until tomorrow. -M

Monday, January 20, 2014

1033- H.Stab- p.8-9 step 4-6

Horizontal Stabilizer - 5 hrs 17 mins (H.S. 27:15, Empennage 79:23, Total 93:19)
Rivet count: 0 (Total 970)

A holiday off from work, and with it the ability to make some good progress. I worked on and off throughout the whole day, so I just merged everything into one video instead of seven short ones. Tedious progress is still progress. I started where I left off last time by match-drilling the skins to the skeleton. Once that was done, I was able to disassemble the whole thing after carefully labeling all the pieces. The second part of the night was spent deburring all the holes of everything that shares a rivet with the skin. That about summarizes the night. It's amazing that a short paragraph translates to 5.25 hours of work. I predicted minimum of 4.5, so not too bad.

The last things left to do are to scuff everything, dimple the skins and ribs, and countersink the two spar flanges. Then it's off to the races for cleaning and priming. -M

Thursday, January 16, 2014

1032- H.Stab- p.8-9 step 2-4

Horizontal Stabilizer - 1 hr 41 mins (H.S. 21:58, Empennage 74:06, Total 88:02)
Rivet count: 0 (Total 970)

A short night of work, and unfortunately this is all the work that will be done for the week. Bummer. Work took me out of town for 3 days, and we have a wedding to attend tomorrow. The potential exists for some very good work-related news to come out in the next few weeks, so fingers are crossed. I will share as I find out more.

Started today by attaching the final part of the H-Stab assembly (Stringer Web) and match-drilling it. I don't have an angle drill, so you will see me disassemble some ribs to match drill the holes. I should probably invest in an angle drill, but then again, I could just not be caught off-guard next time and borrow the tool from someone.

After, I attached the rear spar and match-drilled it. Finally started the fun task of match-drilling the HS skins to the skeleton. Really repetitious, and with each hole drilled, comes at least four sides of holes that will need to be deburred next week. I forecast about an hour and a half of drilling, and I would say at a minimum, three hours of deburring holes. I'll still need to clean, scuff, dimple and countersink everything before a final cleaning and priming. Seeing as I'm at 22 hours, I believe I will easily beat the 75 hour build time for the HS that I saw documented by two previous RV-10 builders. I really am starting to worry that I'm working too fast, but I don't feel rushed or hurried at all. I'll evaluate my estimated hours required for the emp kit when I finish the HS in preparation for ordering the next kit. Even with an adjustment, I'm still 3-4 months away from placing the order.

Friday, January 10, 2014

1031- H.Stab- p.8-8 step 5-8 & p.8-9 step 1

Horizontal Stabilizer - 2 hrs 1 mins (H.S. 20:17, Empennage 72:25, Total 86:21)
Rivet count: 0 (Total 970)

Bonus hours for the week, and I hit the three day mark for the empennage!!! I didn't think I was going to be able to work today.... Started off by deburring the edges of the HS skins. Then it was a matter of transferring the nose ribs from the spar assembly to the skins. It was a pain to cleco those in place with skins that aren't quite flexible. After, the plans call to cleco the remainder of spar assembly with inspar ribs in place. I almost put it in backwards, but caught myself fortunately.

The last step was to assemble the support braces and put those into the spar assembly, and lastly, cleco the rest of the skins to the spar and ribs. I used alot of clecos. An easy step to describe, but a timely step to accomplish... My hand hurts. This assembly will sit idle for the next six days, so plenty of time for the pieces to adjust. I also placed the rear spar in position so it wouldn't be leaning against the wall for a week. See you next week hopefully! -M

Thursday, January 9, 2014

1030- H.Stab- p.8-7 step 3-5 & p.8-8 step 1-4

Horizontal Stabilizer - 4 hrs 10 mins (H.S. 18:16, Empennage 70:24, Total 84:20)
Rivet count: 0 (Total 970)

Great night of work! Started by deburring the edges of all the inspar and nose ribs from yesterday. Part of this involved grinding down the corners of the nose ribs so they won't dent the skins. I almost lost it when I thought I had modified the wrong pieces. It was the correct part, but the HS-905 piece looks different in the plans. Van's has already made the wire-routing/lightening hole in the ribs and added cuts to minimize the need for fluting, they just haven't updated the plans.
With all edges smooth, it was time to make brackets that will hold the H-Stab while I work on it. I used a small piece of the original plywood from the crate (glad I saved it), and even used the cutouts as the base. I also used scrap pieces from other projects to attach screws. The brackets don't look pretty by any means, but they work, and they are made from all re-used materials. Next was time to attach everything to the front spar and match-drill all the holes. Last, I got the skins from indoor storage and removed the vinyl. I'll get around to hole deburring and assembly next week. I'm out of town the first half of next week, so unfortunately the project will grind a little slower once again.
I got 11 hours of build time in this week, which is what I'd like to be doing on a more consistent basis. With time it will continue to happen. This week away is hopefully going to benefit my future, so the time away from building will be well worth it in the end. I'll keep you posted. -M

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

1029- H.Stab- p.8-6 step 3-4 & p.8-7 step 1-2

Horizontal Stabilizer - 2 hrs 18 mins (H.S. 14:06, Empennage 66:14, Total 80:10)
Rivet count: 0 (Total 970)

Straightforward night of work and it's good to be back in rhythm and working efficiently again. Started by disassembling the front spar sub-unit and deburring all holes. I'm pretty sure I did this for nothing. The plans call to do it because the plans have you prime and rivet the sub-unit together before continuing. I thought it over a few days and called Van's to confirm. I will be skipping the priming for now and assembling the entire H-Stab before priming all remaining pieces at once.

With the sub-unit cleco'd back together, I spent the rest of the night trimming the inspar ribs, adding a few bends per the plans, and deburring edges. Tomorrow will be more of the same, with at least another hour of deburring edges on 10 more inspar ribs and 8 nose ribs. However, once that's complete, it will be time to start assembling the H-Stab skeleton and skins. Can't wait! -M

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

1028- H.Stab- p.8-5 step 2-7

Horizontal Stabilizer - 2 hrs 21 mins (H.S. 11:48, Empennage 63:56, Total 77:52)
Rivet count: 0 (Total 970)

Awesome night of work despite the frost vortex outside. Started off by match-drilling the spar caps to the spar along the flanges and webs. Also deburred holes on the spar caps. Those two sentences took a full hour in the video. I paused recording for a phone call for five minutes, and the webcam froze on me (no pun intended) for the last hour. In that timeframe, I reassembled the spar caps to the spar, then attached the spar doubler and hinge brackets. After aligning the brackets, I match drilled through the entire assembly. This was "heavy" drilling and I found out that a new drill bit does wonders. Last, I had to countersink on the web of the doubler, and on the flange of the spar. Tomorrow I'll get to disassemble the whole thing and deburr all the holes.

Here's the final product after 80% of the clecos were removed.The video of the first half is below it. -M

Monday, January 6, 2014

1027- H.Stab- p.8-4 step 1 & p.8-5 step 1-2

Horizontal Stabilizer - 2 hrs 17 mins (H.S. 9:27, Empennage 61:35, Total 75:31)
Rivet count: 0 (Total 970)

Last Friday, I spent 20 minutes installing the new bandsaw blade and then cutting the corners off the six pieces on p.8-4. I invested in a metal cutting blade and it worked a whole lot better. I'll just have to swap out blades for woodworking weekends nor when I have to make those H.Stab brackets in a few days. I didn't make a video or post it before heading out for the weekend.
Tonight was a boring night primarily spent polishing the sharp edges off of H.Stab pieces. I did barely start on match-drilling the spar, but nearly two hours of working the grind wheel takes its toll. Feeling re-energized to see pieces come together again. It is also frigid in the garage despite the fan heater with this "frost vortex" or whatever they are calling it passing through the country. I'll work on remedying that tomorrow night. -M

Thursday, January 2, 2014

1026- H.Stab- p.8-3 step 3-4

Horizontal Stabilizer - 2 hrs 39 mins (H.S. 7:10, Empennage 59:18, Total 73:14)
Rivet count: 0 (Total 970)

Progress! I have eclipsed the 3-day mark of time spent on the project. To commemorate the occasion, here are three reasons why the "word of the day" is REGRESSION.

1- Two and a half hours to make two small brackets for the H-Stab is WAY too slow. I spent a lot of time trying to make things too perfect when it was completely unnecessary. I also noticed today my proficiency around the shop has suffered from the month off.

2- To make matters worse, I figured I'd measure and cut the pieces from the next step while I had the bandsaw out, but then my blade snapped on me. Tomorrow will require a trip to replace it.

3- The month of December was very good to me. Almost too good. Thanksgiving break, then two weeks in Las Vegas, and finally a week at home for Christmas equals a good bit of winter padding on the midsection.  The video reflects the lack of working out, and it's time to get on it and make it disappear. Ironman 70.3 training begins soon, so may as well get an early start since I've packed on a full 25 lbs since the full marathon last January. But enough about me, onward with the build... -M