Saturday, October 4, 2014

1055.1- Return from the dead!!

Elevators - 3 hrs 0 min (Wing Kit 3:00, Total 153:28)
Rivet count: 0 (Total 2,154)

It has been entirely WAAY too long since my last post on this board. Six months!!

A quick recap of my absence and the reasons I've had to take six months off of building an airplane.
April 2014- I finished up my time in active duty Air Force. More importantly, I packed up my house and workshop and put it all into storage. So I wasn't able to work on anything even if I wanted to!
May 2014- I was living at my fiancee's apartment. No room to work and a whole lot of other things happening.
June and July 2014- My fiancee and I spent 7 weeks in Spain. We hiked across the entire country on El Camino de Santiago, and even spent some time with relatives and sightseeing.
August 2014- I married my fiancee. 6 days later, we had packed up her apartment and moved to Mississippi. Needless to say, there were a lot of other things to do around the house. However, I didn't get my workshop tools until late August. We spent weeks organizing and moving things around.
September 2014- The garage workshop still wasn't set up and I had also started pilot training for my new job. I really didn't have any time to spend on it. In fact, it will be slim pickings for time from here on out, but I suppose something is better than nothing.

Today- I spent 3 hours unpacking the wing kit crate and cataloging parts. Since I still have hardware from the empennage kit that will be used on the unfinished elevators and on the unbuilt tailcone, the cataloging part was a real pain. Lot's of multiples and I'm OCD for organizing and keeping all the bolts together, etc.

It's all done now though. Below are pictures of my new digs in MS. There's still a lot of organizing left to do, but it's good to be back in action! I'll keep tidying up the shop in weeks to come. -M

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