Wednesday, September 6, 2017

1094- Main Spar- p.13-2 step 4-6

Section 13: Main Spar- 3 hrs 8 mins (Main Spar 9:07, Wings 12:07Empennage 265:24, Total 297:27)
Rivet count: 72 (Total 5,409)

I was going to start work again yesterday, but just as I was getting ready to go out to the garage, the washing machine was making a horrible noise. Five hours later after troubleshooting everything and becoming familiar with how a washer is constructed from youtube videos, I diagnosed a $40 part. Sure beats a new washer.

So today I finally got to work on the plane again! (with a slight interruption to go fix the washer after the part arrived in the mail. Two years ago to the day was the last time I touched it. Go figure. Surprisingly, riveting was pretty comfortable. May have overdriven a few of them, but not grossly errant. 

We unpacked the main spars, and then riveted the main spar web extensions in place. Then we dug out the old J-stiffeners and fabricated eight pieces. Between measuring, cutting, and deburring all the edges, that took up all of my time. It's am uphill battle to familiarize myself with the shop layout and reacquire proficiency. I also ended up cutting about two feet off the end of the kit provided pieces to make the short lengths. My bandsaw only cuts about a foot at a time, so I ended up making two cuts. Hopefully I didn't need two foot sections of J-channel later! Otherwise, I'll be ordering fresh stock due to my error. At the end of the video, I'm propping up the main spars so the flanges are straight since the next step requires them to do so, and since I didn't want to leave the spars out there to get warped under their own weight. I doubt that would actually happen, but better safe than sorry. -M

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