Workshop- 2 hrs 7 mins (Workshop 8:47, Total 8:47)
Modified more plans to build a second work table. This one is 8 ft long which should come in handy for the wings later on. Also had my first oops of the build project when the casters on the work table weren't locked and slid out from the 8ft table when I was flipping it. I dented in the MDF on the overhang. I was going to have to cut one of the overhangs off regardless to accommodate the angle iron for double flush riveting on the trailing edges of the control surfaces, so at least that has been decided for me. These tables are designed to have easily replaceable tops anyways, so it is the first of many abuses they will undoubtedly endure. All I have left now as far as workspace PREP is to organize the garage to make everything accessible for the build. Still need some kind of priming/painting setup, but that can wait for a bit. The rest of August is going to be busy, and the emp kit order should be placed sometime in September. -M
Once again, the plans for the workbench can be found here: and the idea for the gear I picked up from here: